Mmmmm! I just love a good bowel of fruit, don't you?
Perfect for those nights when you plan to make your famous grilled tiger!
Conjoined Ginger kids? Don't mind if I do!
Nothing satisfies your post late night drinking hunger pangs like chicken nuggets...
...Unless there are no nuggets to be found and they give you Big Mac sauce that's been under a heat lamp for 5 hours! Mmmmmmmm!
The most colossal coffee cake candy corn explosion you'll ever find.
This one needs no explanation...
Was the chicken really so bad that you had to just throw it into the grocery store's deli case?
"Red Bird Brand" = Bad rip off of the St. Louis Cardinals logo?
Well, I guess it's true what they say about Hitler being a Vegetarian...
In all fairness, the swastika was (and still is) a Hindu good luck symbol long before the Nazis started using it. The sauce is actually from an Asian market we frequent, and totally not a sauce of hatred!